Minimize Breakouts of Spots, Oily Skin, Redness, and Other Uncomfortable Symptoms in NY
When tiny openings in the skin called pores become clogged, the problem can lead to the development of acne. NY’s Hudson Dermatology daily helps patients manage the symptoms of this very common skin condition. In fact, virtually everyone in the world will be affected by this skin disorder to some degree at some point in life. Although pimples and breakouts aren’t a serious problem for your overall health, some patients find the problem to be painful—especially for those with cystic acne, which can also result in acne scars.
It’s important to get a proper diagnosis, because acne can also look similar to other skin conditions, such as chronic rosacea and folliculitis, which may be associated with the development of small bumps and pustules. Patients can begin by having a consultation with a board-certified dermatologist to get a diagnosis and work with them to put together an acne treatment plan that’s right for them.
Schedule a consultation for acne at NY′s Hudson Dermatology. Use our online Scheduler to get in touch today.
What Is Acne?
Acne, also known as acne vulgaris, is an inflammatory disorder that affects the skin. Although most of the time it affects teenagers who are experiencing hormonal changes, acne vulgaris can often also occur in adults in their 20s, 30s, or older. Symptoms include whiteheads, blackheads, and different types of pimples. Patients with moderate to severe acne—but also some with more mild breakouts—may develop scarring.
Sebaceous glands in the skin produce oil that is released from the pores to help keep the skin moisturized and soft while preventing it from becoming dried out. Sometimes, hormone fluctuations and other factors cause excess oil to be produced. This can mix with dead skin cells and dirt, trapping bacteria inside pores. The trapped bacteria feed on the sebum and multiply, leading to noticeable changes in the skin—especially if the problem prompts an immune system response. White blood cells can attack the bacteria, leading to inflammation and the creation of pus that pushes the surface outward. If the follicle ruptures beneath the surface, the inflammation can spread.
There are several risk factors that are believed to contribute to or worsen pimples, including hormonal fluctuations during puberty or pregnancy, poor sleep, stress, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), oil-rich beauty products, certain medications, smoking, and a family history of acne.
Spots, blemishes, and pimples can show up just about anywhere on the body, but they are more likely to form on areas where there is a high concentration of oil glands, such as the face, chest, upper back, shoulders, and neck. Back acne is often associated with increased sweating and friction from playing sports and wearing athletic gear.
This skin disorder is classified as either mild, moderate, or severe. Nodulocystic acne is the most severe type, is the largest in size, and is associated with stubborn and painful nodules and cysts that resemble boils. This type develops deep beneath the skin, causing symptoms such as large, white, or pus-filled bumps, redness, and tenderness or pain. Nodulocystic acne is more likely to occur in people who have oily skin or hormonal imbalances.
Every physician at each of Hudson Dermatology’s seven locations is board certified and committed to providing quality skincare built on a foundation of advanced technology and techniques. All treatments—medical and cosmetic—are highly personalized and chosen for their safety and results.

What Acne Treatments Are Available?
Several types of medications and therapies have been shown to help clear up symptoms by addressing the underlying causes of the condition. Hudson Dermatology often recommends non-prescription over-the-counter medications containing adapalene, benzoyl peroxide, or salicylic acid, or others containing ingredients that target bacteria and inflammation for reducing flare-ups of the disorder. Stronger prescription medications may often be needed for more than the mildest forms of acne. Depending on the severity of your condition, one or a combination of acne treatments may be used.
Oral isotretinoin, also known as Accutane, is a powerful oral medication that’s a naturally occurring retinoid—meaning it’s a derivative of vitamin A. This prescription medication is commonly used as a treatment for moderate types, severe cystic acne, or a condition that has persisted for several months and hasn’t improved with other acne treatments, but it can also be very effective on other types of flare-ups. Most patients will need to use Accutane for four to six months for optimal results. This medication, which is a type of retinoid, reduces the production of oil by shrinking oil glands. The tablets begin to work within a week to 10 days. This is a safe and very effective therapy that is commonly used by the experienced dermatologists at Hudson Dermatology.
Topical Retinoids
Although they may not be as effective as Accutane, other types of topical retinoids that are used daily can improve the appearance of several forms of the problem. These help to keep pores clear by removing blockages. Prescription-strength retinoid creams or gels work best for milder acne.
This treatment is ideal for improving mild to moderate inflammatory types and cystic acne in just a few treatment sessions without the need for harsh chemicals, topical treatments, or oral medications.
Chemical Peels
Chemical peels involve the application of a chemical to remove the layer of damaged or dead skin from the surface, thus unclogging pores and oil glands. A new layer of healthier, smoother skin grows in to take its place, minimizing the appearance of acne scars.
Other Laser Treatments
Other types of laser treatments can also help to provide relief for spots, redness, and acne scars. Lasers are primarily used to diminish the appearance of scars. They work by triggering the body’s wound healing process to encourage the production of new, healthy collagen. New skin is rebuilt to replace the scarred areas.
Cortisone Injections
Another way of managing this condition is with occasional cortisone or corticosteroid injections to keep inflammation down and accelerate healing. These shots also reduce swelling and pain associated with cystic acne and quickly shrink cysts. Cysts and nodules are injected directly with a small amount of a steroid.
Other Medications
A dermatologist may prescribe any of a number of other oral and topical antibiotics to combat breakouts, as well as topical dapsone or topical azelaic acid. As you can see, there are many different options when it comes to acne treatments. Since the problem is so common—impacting millions and millions of people—there is a range of solutions in order to provide truly customized care.
With offices in Cornwall, Fishkill, Hudson, Kingston, Poughkeepsie, Somers, and Tarrytown, Hudson Dermatology offers the highest quality of care centered around medical dermatology, cosmetic dermatology, and pediatric skincare. Patients in New York’s Hudson Valley area can depend on the professional team at Hudson Dermatology to satisfy all their medical and cosmetic skincare needs.
With offices in Cornwall, Fishkill, Hudson, Kingston, Poughkeepsie, Somers, and Tarrytown, Hudson Dermatology offers the highest quality of care centered around medical dermatology, cosmetic dermatology, and pediatric skincare. Patients in New York’s Hudson Valley area can depend on the professional team at Hudson Dermatology to satisfy all their medical and cosmetic skincare needs.
Treatments for Other Skin Disorders
Hudson Dermatology provides support for many types of both medical and cosmetic skin conditions, including eczema, psoriasis, and vitiligo. To develop a comprehensive treatment plan that’s tailored to the patient’s needs, start with a consultation and proper diagnosis.
For more information about acne, visit the American Academy of Dermatology’s page on the condition.
Contact the Hudson Dermatology team now to set up a consultation for acne in NY. Dutchess, Westchester, Columbia, Ulster, Putnam, Rockland, and Orange County residents can schedule an appointment via our online scheduler.