Laser Hair Removal

Reduce Unwanted Facial and Body Hair in NY

For more than 20 years, dermatologists have helped women and men reduce unwanted facial and body hair with laser hair removal. NY’s Hudson Dermatology regularly works with patients frustrated by unwanted facial or body hair, but tired of the brief hair-free window and routine discomfort that comes with waxing and shaving. Laser hair removal offers a more effective and longer-lasting solution. This noninvasive procedure relies on light-based technology to deliver pulses of highly concentrated energy that damages the hair follicle. The result is a damaged follicle that no longer produces hairs as it used to.

Going with the first name that comes up after searching “laser hair removal near me” does not mean you will get ideal results—and certainly do not try laser removal at home. The light energy used in the treatment is powerful, so choosing a provider who has considerable experience with the technology is ideal. The board-certified medical team at NY’s Hudson Dermatology is highly experienced administering laser technology both safely and effectively. Whether laser hair removal is your sole focus or a step on your path to reaching your personal and aesthetic goals, the Hudson Dermatology team will be with you the entire way. Take the first step today by learning more about the laser hair removal process at Hudson Dermatology in New York.


Schedule a consultation online for laser hair removal at NY′s Hudson Dermatology.


How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?

During a laser hair removal session at NY’s Hudson Dermatology, a licensed medical professional will run a laser over the areas targeted for treatment. The laser’s setting can be adjusted for different skin types and parts of the body, as the best setting for more delicate skin— involving facial laser hair removal—might not be the best setting for your legs or arms.

The laser is capable of treating an area of skin roughly the size of a quarter every second, so a larger treatment area will take more time to thoroughly cover. While the provider runs the laser over the skin, the hair follicle absorbs the laser’s pulses of energy. This rapidly heats the follicle and damages it, interrupting the hair’s normal growth cycle. More specifically, the laser’s energy targets the pigment, or melanin, in the hair. The light energy is then converted to heat energy, which is what damages the hair follicles. This is why only dark hair can be targeted with a laser.

To better understand the process—and why multiple laser hair removal treatments are necessary to fully get rid of unwanted hair—patients must understand the growth cycle of their hair. All hair grows in three stages: anagen (which is the active growth phase), catagen (which is the transition phase), and telogen (which is the resting phase). Each hair grows at a different rate and is at a different growth phase at any point in time, but the laser only targets hair that is in its anagen or active growth phase. So, a single laser hair removal session will only actively target a fraction of the hair patients want removed. The Hudson Dermatology team carefully times the appointments to ensure every follicle in the treatment area is targeted with multiple laser hair removal sessions.

Hair follicles targeted by a laser hair removal session enter a period of dormancy that could last months or even years. If the hair does eventually return, it is usually lighter and finer, making it less noticeable.


With offices in Cornwall, Fishkill, Hudson, Kingston, Poughkeepsie, Somers, and Tarrytown, Hudson Dermatology offers the highest quality of care centered around medical dermatology, cosmetic dermatology, and pediatric skincare. Patients in New York’s Hudson Valley area can depend on the professional team at Hudson Dermatology to satisfy all their medical and cosmetic skincare needs.


With offices in Cornwall, Fishkill, Hudson, Kingston, Poughkeepsie, Somers, and Tarrytown, Hudson Dermatology offers the highest quality of care centered around medical dermatology, cosmetic dermatology, and pediatric skincare. Patients in New York’s Hudson Valley area can depend on the professional team at Hudson Dermatology to satisfy all their medical and cosmetic skincare needs.

What Can I Expect from a Laser Hair Removal Treatment?

Every patient—and every laser hair removal treatment—is different. The duration of a hair removal session at Hudson Dermatology will depend on the size and area being treated, which also determines the laser hair removal prices. The most popular treatment areas include the face (upper lip, chin, and sideburns), underarms, back, legs, and bikini area. Patients interested in addressing a different region can discuss this during their consultation because the treatment is effective for many regions of the face and body.

During the session, patients may experience a mild snapping sensation as the laser targets hair follicles. Some patients compare the sensation to the feeling of a rubber band snapping against the skin. The laser is equipped with a built-in cooling system to help soothe the skin during the process and ensure the patient is as comfortable as possible. Patients with sensitive skin should discuss their concerns during their consultation, as a topical numbing cream can help reduce the sensation.

On average, a single laser hair removal session will take about an hour. Removing the hair on a smaller region like the upper lip can take mere minutes, while addressing the hair on the back or legs will likely take closer to an hour. Most patients require eight to 12 sessions spaced several weeks apart to fully address all the follicles in a targeted area.

Downtime is minimal after a successful laser hair removal session at Hudson Dermatology, and patients can resume most routine activities right way. Patients are encouraged to avoid working out for the first 48 hours after laser hair removal as excessive friction and sweat can irritate the skin and delay healing. It’s normal to experience slight redness and inflammation near the hair follicles, but this rarely persists more than a few hours after treatment and can be addressed with a cold compress. Before—as well as following—a laser hair removal session, patients should avoid direct sunlight and refrain from utilizing a tanning bed or sun lamp.

Laser hair removal patients at NY’s Hudson Dermatology can expect to start seeing results about one to two weeks after the procedure, when the treated hair will begin to fall out. Remember that for the best laser hair removal results possible, it’s essential that patients find an experienced and licensed dermatologist to perform their treatment. While this is a routine procedure, it can be dangerous when performed by someone without the requisite experience or understanding of the laser technology. The Hudson Dermatology team is passionate about helping patients achieve their desired results in a safe, sterile environment putting patient comfort and safety above all else.

What Else Can Lasers Treat?

Focused light energy is both powerful and versatile, which is why Hudson Dermatology also offers laser skin rejuvenation, Excimer lasers treatments for psoriasis and more, and laser nail fungus treatments. Intense pulsed light (IPL) is not a laser, but uses light to reduce hyperpigmentation and sun damage. Choose the right treatment for you with help from our experienced team.


Contact the Hudson Dermatology team now to set up a consultation for laser hair removal in NY. Dutchess, Westchester, Columbia, Ulster, Putnam, Rockland, and Orange County residents can schedule an appointment via our online scheduler.